Do you really know how to use sanitary napkins correctly?


1、 Pay attention to shopping

1. Choose regular products

Sanitary napkin is a personal article that directly contacts private parts, and its sterility is directly related to the health of private parts. However, it is difficult to be completely sterile, so as long as the pathogenic bacteria are in a certain range, they belong to qualified products.

Therefore, when buying sanitary napkins, we should first buy common brand sanitary napkins produced by large manufacturers, and then pay attention to distinguish the authenticity to prevent buying fake and shoddy products.

2. Choose sanitary napkins without fragrance and drug ingredients

Now there are many fragrant sanitary napkins or drug sanitary napkins, but it is not recommended that you buy them.

First of all, the so-called "fragrance" on sanitary napkins is produced by spices. Spices are likely to stimulate private parts. Some girls with sensitive skin are likely to have allergic reactions when using such sanitary napkins.

Secondly, drugs cannot be used casually. Each drug has its indication and applicable population. Non professional medical personnel may not understand the specific efficacy of drugs, which may lead to wrong medication and harm the body. If there is no gynecological disease, there is no need to use drug-based sanitary napkins at all. If there is gynecological disease, it should suit the medicine to the case and take the medicine according to the doctor's advice, rather than simply relying on drug sanitary napkins.

2、 Proper use is important

1.Do not use pads during non menstrual periods

Some girls use pads every day in order not to change their underwear and wash their underwear every day. But in fact, this is a very unhealthy practice.

The private part needs a breathable environment, and there is a layer of plastic film on the back of the pad, which is airtight, which can easily lead to health problems in the private part.

2. Do not use sanitary napkins over time

Human blood is rich in nutrients, which is very suitable for the growth of pathogens, as is the menstrual blood of women. Especially during menstruation, the private parts are wet and warm. If the sanitary napkin is not replaced for several hours, it is easy to make the sanitary napkin a "hotbed" for the growth of various pathogens.

The consequence is that some gynecological diseases may be caused at least, and bacterial infection may be caused by bacteria entering human blood from private places.

A foreign model was once infected with Staphylococcus aureus because he forgot to change the tampon, causing "toxic shock syndrome" and had to undergo amputation.

In addition, women's urethra, vagina and anus are too close, which will also make pathogenic bacteria move through sanitary napkins, increasing the possibility of self cross infection.

Therefore, sanitary napkins must be replaced in time during menstruation. When there is more menstrual blood, it should be replaced every 2 hours. Even if there is less menstrual blood, it should be replaced every 4-5 hours.

3. Wash hands before changing sanitary napkins

When changing the sanitary napkin, it is inevitable to touch the cotton surface of the sanitary napkin with your hand, which is easy to transfer the bacteria on your hand to the sanitary napkin.

When women have weak resistance during menstruation, sanitary napkins will directly contact their private parts. Some inadvertent bacterial transmission may cause private infection and gynecological diseases.

Therefore, girls, before changing sanitary napkins, you must not be lazy, clean your hands well, and make sure you change sanitary napkins after cleaning your hands.

3、 Store carefully

1. Pay attention to the shelf life before stocking

Sanitary napkins are consumable products, so many young girls like to buy many at one time, especially when promoting sales. The more you buy, the more cost-effective, which can be used for more than half a year or even a year.

However, sanitary napkins have a shelf life. First of all, we are not recommended to stock up too much at one time, so as to avoid the phenomenon of over use and overdue waste. Secondly, we must pay attention to its production date and shelf life when hoarding goods and before use, so as to avoid receiving temporary products and using expired sanitary napkins.

2. Store in a cool, dry and ventilated place

Some people like to store sanitary napkins in the bathroom for easy access. But this is wrong.

The humidity in the toilet is high, and the sanitary napkin material is easy to absorb water, and its package is not sealed, especially the sanitary napkin with the outer package removed.

Therefore, when the sanitary napkin is stored in the toilet, it is easy to cause it to absorb moisture, which not only reduces its absorption, but also increases the risk of massive bacterial reproduction on the sanitary napkin.

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